Monday, May 26, 2014

Marketing Books


One of the things I have learnt with having printed and e-books is the importance of printed books when marketing. When I go into schools for author talks and workshops, it's the printed books that I promote, hoping to get the e-books sold off their backs. It's the same at school fairs or craft fairs and I can sell lots of printed books at these events. What I also do, though, is to have my netbook on with the trailer for the e-books, plus I give out little leaflets with the details on them.

I am toying with having Marvin's Curse printed this year, but as always it's the printing cost. I also still have a rather large book mountain to move from my dining room. Yet, far from really put me off, I know that for my e-books to sell they have got to somehow be noticed or picked up and in this digital age with more and more self-published e-books, that's becoming less likely. So, I probably need to get on to my lovely printers in York and get the ball rolling.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

New 5 Star Review for Marvin's Curse

Bittersweet Book Reviews   *****

'In this story we follow Marvin a young man who has a special gift. He can see and talk to spirits. I could relate to Marvin with some of the emotions he deals with after losing his father. With each turn of the page we watch Marvin grow from a boy into a young man. The characters and story are all very well developed and believable. The only downfall for me was it was over too quickly. I look forward to reading more from Edwards.'

 Just £1.99 from Amazon

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Great feedback from school

Just received feedback from my recent school visit to All Saints Benhilton in Surrey. So pleased they all enjoyed it.

Workshop and author talk

Feedback from teachers:

It was fantastic; Debbie had the children completely engaged. We started to read the first ‘Aggie Lichen’ book and the children are keen to continue reading the rest of the series.

The workshop made the children think about characters in a story and how to build information about them so that they were a 3D creation. It inspired the class to write.

The author talk helped the children to understand the process of writing a book and the many stages that it involved. The children heard how even published authors needed to edit and re-write texts to improve them.

Feedback from children:

My teacher is reading the first book and I really like the story; I’ve bought the second book so that I can carry on reading.

The talk was good because I learnt all about getting a book published. We heard about ways to get ideas for writing.

She wasn’t boring but had lots of energy and I wanted to listen. It was good hearing an author read from their own book.

I liked creating a character from the different objects. We had lots of discussion in our group about what the character could be like. It was hard to begin with but the more we talked about the objects the character became more real.